Dear Jesus, I’m alone down here. Where are you today? My path is dark, my burden great, I can’t seem to find my way. I’m so afraid because this path is so very dark and dreary. Please show Yourself to me Dear Lord and vanish all my fears. My dear child, I have not gone, I’m still on watch today […]


I kneeled down by my bed last night about a quarter to eleven I closed my eyes as I said my prayer and sent it up to heaven. I told the Lord about all the trouble down here on this earth I asked Him to come….on the double to give this world new birth. I asked Him for more money […]


I’ve searched and I’ve searched but try as I might I’ve yet to find the difference between black men and white I’ve looked the world over at every human kind and not one physical difference was I able to find. I’m not trying to judge nor to place blame I’m just recommending that we stop this old game of color […]


This is not a “good-bye” but just a “so long” As God is placing you just where you belong. To do his bidding; to submit to His will; to answer the call — His work to full-fill. This is not a “forever” over the miles but just a “see you later” as you challenge your trials. So go in peace. […]


Today I opened a door again That I had shut down deep within A door that was to remain forever closed Opened now because old memories arose Loving memories of the past From which I thought I was free at last But today, again, I found memories of you are still around And now the door which I thought was […]

A Great Poet Has Gone Home…

Today we weep … A literary voice revered globally for her poetic command and her commitment to civil rights; a novelist, actress, professor, singer, dancer, and activist has gone home to glory today. Thank you, Maya Angelou, for the tremendous contributions you made to our community and countless others…your words will live on in our hearts and minds forever. R.W.G […]


The last time I saw you You were in my dreams trying to enter my heart Or so it seemed I remember the rich smell of your cologne and that heart-warming smile you sent to me alone I dreamed that all the ladies gave you those “I’m available” stares But you didn’t seem to notice they were even there Now […]


People of America it’s time to take a stand It’s apparent that our government has gotten out of hand Our taxes are over-whelming our schools are on the brink Our health care is dangling and ready to sink and…… While Social Security is dwindling….taking a tumble Our leaders are meeting to argue and grumble They argue and fuss about what […]


ON DEMAND Don’t let yourself be put on “demand” By living daily doing what you can To make things easy for everyone else, while…not allowing time to satisfy yourself People will use you and all your good deeds To hold you hostage satisfying their needs It’s o.k. to help someone when you can But don’t let anyone put you on […]


Into my heartyou come, and you golike a bookmark through pageslike the water you flow Drenching my being, drowning my soulleaving my ailing heart bitter and coldI let you in again and againbut you never stay With which wordcan I let you knowthrough which teardropcan I let it show Which touchcan I make you seethrough-out the yearswhat you’ve meant to […]