The last time I saw you You were in my dreams trying to enter my heart Or so it seemed I remember the rich smell of your cologne and that heart-warming smile you sent to me alone I dreamed that all the ladies gave you those “I’m available” stares But you didn’t seem to notice they were even there Now […]


People of America it’s time to take a stand It’s apparent that our government has gotten out of hand Our taxes are over-whelming our schools are on the brink Our health care is dangling and ready to sink and…… While Social Security is dwindling….taking a tumble Our leaders are meeting to argue and grumble They argue and fuss about what […]


ON DEMAND Don’t let yourself be put on “demand” By living daily doing what you can To make things easy for everyone else, while…not allowing time to satisfy yourself People will use you and all your good deeds To hold you hostage satisfying their needs It’s o.k. to help someone when you can But don’t let anyone put you on […]


Into my heartyou come, and you golike a bookmark through pageslike the water you flow Drenching my being, drowning my soulleaving my ailing heart bitter and coldI let you in again and againbut you never stay With which wordcan I let you knowthrough which teardropcan I let it show Which touchcan I make you seethrough-out the yearswhat you’ve meant to […]


I feel like I’m going in circlesI’ve been here many times beforeI’ve heard the same old rhetoricThat’s too much to endure. Every time you leave meand then come back againI find I’m right back inthe same place I’ve always been The players in this endless charadeare always just the sameYou and I, loving and leavingplaying that same old game My […]


I’m writing out a special list of things to do today It’s not a list of daily tasks nor things I might do for pay Today I think I’ll take some time away from my daily routine to do some kind and worthwhile deeds so joy to others… I might bring I know that I can make a difference so […]


All our lives we chase after…THINGS… counting on all the joys they bring But do things really serve us well Lets study the issue and try to tell What good are.. THINGS.. in this life we live if to others we refuse to give Selfishness here is not our mission If to our God we would choose to listen Having […]


. Where flowing streams trickle. Where bridges are crossed. Where flowery grasslands meets water and moss. Where young woodland creaturestraipse thru meadows and trees. Where bees and butterflies play tag in the breeze. Here you will find me quiet and serene As nature unfolds to a mid-summer’s daydream. Sometimes things just pop up in my head and have to be written […]


Mount your steed, come ride with me abandoning the simple and the ordinary Let’s set our course on a journey new discovering treasures under skies so blue Just you and I leaving all behind new adventures we will find removing ourselves from the here and now thundering hooves…the only sound Our hair blowing in the wind things of old we […]


Walk slow young girl, don’t move so fast Life will be here when you have passed Slow yourself down, stop to have fun Don’t waste this time on your quest to run Please hear the truth in the words I lend Don’t leave them echoing in the wind Take time to listen and try to keep My words of wisdom […]