Keeping It Real Can I be completly honest Can I tell it like it is I know that most people don’t want others in their biz They try to cover up their wrong so that others cannot see but I am here to tell them that they have no guarantee what they don’t understand is….. that God is in the […]


If God Is Real By Audrey Eliose Nesby If God is real, then why don’t I know him Why does He hide himself from my view I’ve heard about Him for such a long time But somehow His image just doesn’t come thru Is there some secret that I should know Before I can look upon His face Or some […]


If I were called upon to replace Jesus…..what then would I do would I change some of our Father’s rules or would I see them through, Looking at the shape of the world today how would I determine which rules should stay Such as…”Love thy neighbors as thy self” should I just let it stand…. or put that rule on […]


My God…please release me from this prison of degradation. Pierce my anguished heart with the pointed spear of death and let me die if I must. I beg of Thee…don’t keep me here where I can no longer look upon the stars and delight myself with their beauty, or listen reverently to the birds song and feel the nearness of […]


Dear Jesus, I’m alone down here. Where are you today? My path is dark, my burden great, I can’t seem to find my way. I’m so afraid because this path is so very dark and dreary. Please show Yourself to me Dear Lord and vanish all my fears. My dear child, I have not gone, I’m still on watch today […]


I kneeled down by my bed last night about a quarter to eleven I closed my eyes as I said my prayer and sent it up to heaven. I told the Lord about all the trouble down here on this earth I asked Him to come….on the double to give this world new birth. I asked Him for more money […]


I’m writing out a special list of things to do today It’s not a list of daily tasks nor things I might do for pay Today I think I’ll take some time away from my daily routine to do some kind and worthwhile deeds so joy to others… I might bring I know that I can make a difference so […]


All our lives we chase after…THINGS… counting on all the joys they bring But do things really serve us well Lets study the issue and try to tell What good are.. THINGS.. in this life we live if to others we refuse to give Selfishness here is not our mission If to our God we would choose to listen Having […]


In amazement I look out my window and watch the morning sun appear In a blinding blaze of glory It cancels the dark and drear What was on our God’s mind as He designed the sun and made it shine What was he thinking in His head when he fashioned the colors oranges…yellows and reds. I know that the answer […]


God gave us a job to do with enough days to see it through Every job is a meaningful task And He will help us if we ask There is no time to get off track We just waste time getting back If by chance some days are missed The Holy Spirit will guide and assist In getting us back, […]