What will it take to make you seehow beautiful you areWhat can I say to remove the cloudthat overshadows my bright starHow can I show you that you’re so much morethen you thought you could ever bewhen trials of life have shadowed your viewand through the darkness you can’t see.Why do you let life’s dark shadowsleave you broken, battered and […]


Today I opened a door again That I had shut down deep within A door that was to remain forever closed Opened now because old memories arose Loving memories of the past From which I thought I was free at last But today, again, I found memories of you are still around And now the door which I thought was […]


The last time I saw you You were in my dreams trying to enter my heart Or so it seemed I remember the rich smell of your cologne and that heart-warming smile you sent to me alone I dreamed that all the ladies gave you those “I’m available” stares But you didn’t seem to notice they were even there Now […]


Into my heartyou come, and you golike a bookmark through pageslike the water you flow Drenching my being, drowning my soulleaving my ailing heart bitter and coldI let you in again and againbut you never stay With which wordcan I let you knowthrough which teardropcan I let it show Which touchcan I make you seethrough-out the yearswhat you’ve meant to […]


I feel like I’m going in circlesI’ve been here many times beforeI’ve heard the same old rhetoricThat’s too much to endure. Every time you leave meand then come back againI find I’m right back inthe same place I’ve always been The players in this endless charadeare always just the sameYou and I, loving and leavingplaying that same old game My […]


How do I count the mishaps in lifeThat you have fixed for me?How do you count the tears I’ve shedThat you dried up so tenderly? How many heartbreaks have you repairedwith wise sayings or silly jokes?When I acted as though we were way up thereyou reminded me that we were just plain folk? There were times when life wasn’t so […]


What crime have I committed for loving you,that you’ve justified with your callous point of viewI surrendered, mind, body, and soul sincerely to your pleasuresWhat you offered in return was too minute to measure I gave, you tookl loved, you forsookNow I sit in this jail to which you hold the keyWaiting for judge and jury to pass sentence on […]


  My Sisters: Before you cause your heart to burn,listen-up and you will learnTo shield your heart from men untruelisten to what I say to you Before you let someone hand you a line,make sure that the message is genuineBefore you’re ready to take someone in,make sure you find out where he’s been Open your eyes, make sure you seeLife […]


How long has it been since I’ve looked at you How long would you say… A year … maybe two How long did I live with tears in my eyes while thinking of you and trying not to cry Now you’re back flashing that sly, get-over grin And you have the nerve to ask me how I’ve been I can […]


Hey baby, Lets you and I take a long walk I think there’s a need for a long, long talk My nerves are knotted, I’m in a bind I feel like I’m gonna lose my mind I heard a surprising message on your cell ever since, I’ve been going through hell. Honey, If you respect my love for you then […]