How do I count the mishaps in lifeThat you have fixed for me?How do you count the tears I’ve shedThat you dried up so tenderly? How many heartbreaks have you repairedwith wise sayings or silly jokes?When I acted as though we were way up thereyou reminded me that we were just plain folk? There were times when life wasn’t so […]


O.K. So, you’re depressed and blue And all “outside” yourself Wanting to put your life on a shelf All because you couldn’t get thru The pain of what someone thought about you Take note and listen up: Because someone’s ignorance made you cry You can’t let life pass you by Trust and believe that what someone thinks Is not worth […]


In amazement I look out my window and watch the morning sun appear In a blinding blaze of glory It cancels the dark and drear What was on our God’s mind as He designed the sun and made it shine What was he thinking in His head when he fashioned the colors oranges…yellows and reds. I know that the answer […]


God gave us a job to do with enough days to see it through Every job is a meaningful task And He will help us if we ask There is no time to get off track We just waste time getting back If by chance some days are missed The Holy Spirit will guide and assist In getting us back, […]