by Audrey Nesby There once was a boy who was so dumb He didn’t know from whence he’d come and because he had no sense, He was never sure of where he went. One day he found a dog named Pal who only knew how to chase his tail the boy was elated with his find this dog might help […]


What do we….as black people, do to receive our equal rights How do we stop this unjustified endless, and on-going fight No matter what we do to change this never ending sequal it seems as though we will never win never be considered as equal It dosen’t matter what path we take going in any direction we always end up […]


Don’t keep hidden….what’s locked inside and let lifel take you for a mysterious ride The ride is long and if your not strong you will surely end up where you don’t belong Don’t let what others say pull you in because your love of self is so thin you’re just fighting a battle that you can’t win If you run […]


If I were called upon to replace Jesus…..what then would I do would I change some of our Father’s rules or would I see them through, Looking at the shape of the world today how would I determine which rules should stay Such as…”Love thy neighbors as thy self” should I just let it stand…. or put that rule on […]


My God…please release me from this prison of degradation. Pierce my anguished heart with the pointed spear of death and let me die if I must. I beg of Thee…don’t keep me here where I can no longer look upon the stars and delight myself with their beauty, or listen reverently to the birds song and feel the nearness of […]


When you try and you don’t succeed and when trying doesn’t meet your needs it’s not the time to sit and grieve…….. just try again. there will be times when you feel that you’ve been handed a raw deal don’t sit and brood,…….lets get real………. just try again You may say it’s hard to try and be content to sit […]


The non-caring way you made me wait on our first dinner date As I wandered where you were you finally showed an hour late The inexcusable rude way you sat down and left me standing by my chair Then started to read your menu as if I wasn’t even there The ruthless way you touched me the first time that […]


Have you noticed the moon in her full bloom Casting her spell on two lovers consumed Dressed in white satin on her midnight stage Bedazzling lovers into a lunar craze Have you noticed the stars With their shimmering darts Aimed from afar at two lovers hearts Deeming them wavering, unsettled and blind As related to having been filled with fine […]


We came together at a very young age and a friendship did begin through the years that friendship grew and we knew it would never end. We shared so many good times we shared heartaches and bad times too but we stood strong, and did not bend and our friendship grew and grew We lived through raising our children and […]


What will it take to make you seehow beautiful you areWhat can I say to remove the cloudthat overshadows my bright starHow can I show you that you’re so much morethen you thought you could ever bewhen trials of life have shadowed your viewand through the darkness you can’t see.Why do you let life’s dark shadowsleave you broken, battered and […]